Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I know you'll think I'm mad when I say "Isn't this beautiful !"
Mud!     puddle!
You don't think so?

What about this? All the washing is dripping wet!
Beautiful !!

Well, look at this!

and this...

and this ......

and this .....


Well, if you lived in Brisbane you'd think it was beautiful !

These things do.

Look how they sparkle now.

Here, when we get up in the morning we look at the weather forcast hopefully....
Not hoping for a  fine, sunny day.
It's  ALWAYS  fine and sunny!
Every morning we look hopefully for some RAIN !
And today we had some .....  RAIN that is!
Not much, but ooooohhhh it was soooooooo nice.
We'll look out hopefully again tomorrow.



  1. I actually love raine days. Your's just want to make me curl up and take a long nap. Oh, to be able to hang the laundry out to dry. The puddle is too funny. Sure am enjoying seeing all your flowers. Keep them coming, they are beautiful.

    Holiday Hugs,
    Kate - The Garden Bell

  2. Hi Helsie,
    I'm glad you got your rain. I can't imagine everyday being fine and sunny. We get a lot of rain here in PA - especially this year. In fact this year the grass never turned even slightly brown in August - it was lush and green and still is even today in December. PA is full of trees - everywhere - millions I believe. Whereas Illinois was mostly corn fields - flat with barely any trees - once you left Chicago and headed west or south. The rain when it's coming messes with my sinuses so I'm not happy about it. Today is overcast, gray and 50 degrees F. The house is so dark without the sun shining. Well, I'm off to get my hair done. Have a great day!

    Teacup Lane (Sandy)

  3. Glad you got some rain...we had a big storm roll through last week...it has been a very dry year...I too like the rain, clouds, thunder, lightening and a little wind sometimes. No white Christmas for the two of us.

  4. Yep the rain was great Helsie but we didn't get too much but where I had to go shopping was a bit of a nightmare driving through... that's the only bit I don't like... driving in the rain cause people seem to do such stupid things... ha ha... B

  5. Lucky you to have rain, I still have seen nothing for so long and today is going to be near 40C. Its already very hot at 8.00 this morning - air con will be on
