Thursday, December 10, 2009


Decorating your home with lights at Christmas is a tradition that is slowly being adopted by families in the suburbs of Brisbane.
Years ago there were very few that bothered.
It's a lot of work setting them up and, I imagine, quite expensive to buy the equipment.
And then there's the drudgery of taking them down and packing them away when all the excitement is over.

But I'm glad to say that there are people out there prepared to do all the work, slaving away in the heat unravelling, hammering, twisting, climbing up ladders and constructing 'til they create a Wonderland  for us to gaze at in the days leading up to Christmas.

Do you remember this house that I showed you earlier when it was still under construction?

Well look at it now !

It really gets you in the Christmas Spirit doesn't it?



  1. Wow. Did they really go all that out on the outside decor. Must be a lot warmer there to test all those bulbs. Brrrrrrr still around here this morning at -15 with the wind. No way do I care about if my outside light are working. Thanks for sharing this great display. We do have a couple of homes here that go to this extent. Will have to get out and take some pics to share.

  2. Hi Helsie, I have just been reading through all of your fab posts this week and I don't know where to start! Brilliant! from the trip to Sydney to your mums hand made decorations to your table runner and the lovely information about where you live - all so interesting - Thank you and I have really enjoyed reading it all. You sound so well advanced now and I feel a bit behind - I think today will have to be getting the house to feel festive - yes that will be a start ! Take care, Kim x

  3. Love the photos. They really do spread the christmas cheer with the lights for the "littlies" and those young-at-heart. I love looking at them

  4. Wow! What a fabulous display! I live in Brazil where you can usually enjoy the lights decorations set up by malls or shops but not so much on private houses. Thanks for sharing!
