Friday, October 30, 2009


You've heard the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well just think how healthy we will be after munching on this one!

This morning we decided to walk along the river and into the city, so munching on our apple in the car, we drove to St Lucia where we parked the car and went to catch the ferry across the river.

We didn't have long to wait before the CityCat came zooming around the corner, ....

.... then, after a quick trip to the other side, we were off on our way to the city.

It's a lovely walk along this part of the river. Enormous , shady trees dot the park which stretches most of the way to the city.

The rowers were out on the river too..

These elegant  ladies are looking their best as they gaze across the water towards modern high rise on the far bank.

Before long we encountered the West End Markets, a busy hub of happy shoppers out looking for bargains

and stocking up on their weekly supply of fresh fruit and vegies.

Look at this - a Supermarket under a tree!!!

Then the new Kurilpa Bridge came into view. It reminds me of the rigging of Tall Ships and I love it!

And now a reward for walking all that way .....BREAKFAST ! .......


YUM M M M.......

Time to catch the ferry home.........................

1 comment:

  1. What a nice blog you have here. I saw that you found me via Lucy. I have been following her's for about a year. Then I started my own. Isn't fun. Hope you don't mind if I follow along on your journey.

    We are under remodel here, so mine is pretty boring as of late. The garden is put to bed for the winter, as of today. So, now I will have to get very creative in what I blog about, here outside of the city of Chicago.

    Thanks again for stopping by.

    That breakfast just made me soooooooooooo hungry.
