Wednesday, April 26, 2017


It seems that I  have only been able to post here once a month but I'm hoping that this will change very soon.

This month so far.......

Cocktail Nights have continued to delight us. They are introducing us each fortnight to new places 

as well as new cocktails. They have all been delicious.

The weather has remained very warm, in fact hot so the meal of choice each night has continued to involve the BBQ.
Summer seems to last longer every year. We are looking forward to Winter ( if it ever comes ) very much.

On the crafting front I have just completed a knee rug for my lovely daughter-in-law

And shipped it off to Sydney where the weather is cooling off.

Tony's mother recently passed away peacefully, just three weeks before her 96th birthday.

We were pleased to tell her that her second great-grandchild is expected in September. 

Yes, Tony and I will finally be grandparents !

And finally....

We're off !

To Austria,
 Southern Germany .......
and Paris !

That should give me something to blog about !

Cheers !