Monday, November 2, 2015


The Medieval walled town of Carcassonne sits high above its present day namesake and its strategic position  is very obvious as you gaze down on the sizeable town below on the other side of the river.

It is the largest walled town in Europe with its walls intact 
and once again we have to thank Napoleon III who recognised the importance of this historical site to the French people and ordered that it be completely restored.

Today thousands of people flock to see this mighty construction. When you first arrive you are bowled over by its size.

Walking through the entrance, it towers above you and you wonder at construction that today would need cranes and scaffolding, hard hats and steel toed boots and flocks of cement trucks churning out cement.

Wonderful views of the surrounding countryside can be seen through the windows

and the walls are wonderful to walk..... and climb up and down turrets and watch towers.

Inside the walls are shops and houses,
even this huge church with lovely stained glass windows

and this huge amphitheatre which is still used for performances during the Summer season.

The visit was a strenuous day out with all the walking and climbing 
but we rewarded ourselves with a lunch of the specialty of the area

Cassoulet !

We both eventually had to admit defeat but it was delicious !
