Wednesday, April 29, 2015


This year has been such a busy one and at the moment we are in the middle of a whirlwind !
The cousins are gathering !
I might have mentioned that I have 50 ... no 51 first cousins on my mother's side ?
With huge numbers like this you can imagine that they have scattered far and wide and many live overseas.
Wales, Texas, Michigan, Mexico and Japan to name a few of the places our family has spread to.
The recent death of one of my uncles and the fact that there are now only three surviving members of that original 14 siblings produced a desire in the cousins to reconnect and so a grand gathering was planned.
.....and so on ANZAC Day in lovely Noosaville ( just around the corner from Noosa on the Noosa River ) the Cousins' Reunion took place.
 Many of us occupied units in this lovely resort where spacious units could accommodate whole families sharing and these were grouped close together around a pretty heated pool
with fantastic BBQ facilities for group dinners and chatting that began at breakfast and lasted through till 11:00pm. ALL WEEKEND !!
 Eighteen first cousins were there, 
Two of the three original siblings and their partners
( my Mum is now the oldest survivor and head of this huge family)

( That's her young brother beside her !) with the cus that now resides in Wales. 
and there were plenty of second and third cousins too !

 In all 52 of us managed to make it a wonderful weekend !
All descendants of these two.
There's a meme going around Facebook about cousins being the first friends you ever have and it is so true !