Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Australian Federal Police arrest a man during a raid on an Islamic store in Logan, south of Brisbane. Photo: Seven News

To re-cap the major points from the police press conference at 9.30am:
- The counter-terrorism raids are the largest in Australia's history
- Police allege the group targeted in the raids "had the intention and had started to carry out planning to commit violent acts here in Australia". Those violent acts would be carried out against random members of the public.(That has prompted comparisons to the murder of soldier Lee Rigby, who was killed in a random attack in England last year.)

Read more:

It's time we stopped being such a walkover and bending backwards to accommodate immigrants who despise our laws, value systems and way of life.

Read more:
- One person has been charged with serious terrorism offences and 14 others detained.
- 800 police officers were involved in the operation.

Friday, September 12, 2014


In Helsie's garden:
Spring, Queensland style, has sprung into action with the daytime temperature going straight to the mid to high twenties though the nights are still pleasantly cool - around 13 degrees C.
The Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ( Brunfelsia) is coming into bloom.
 Lovely perfume and flowers that change from purple (yesterday) to lavender ( today) to white (tomorrow)

The Grevilleas are well into their best and full of honey eating birds.

I'm trying some flowers in pots like they do in the UK.
Blue and yellow theme in this one.
Hoping for success before it gets too hot for them.

and this little tree.

This is a Lemonade Tree. Do you know this fruit?
It tastes like lemon but is not sour like a lemon.
Very refreshing.
I know I should not have let these fruit progress on such a small tree but I could not resist.
As soon as they turn yellow I'll pick them and prune the poor little thing right back to thicken it up.
They bear prolifically and there are lots of flowers and more tiny fruit but I'll be good and take them off.
You can't buy the fruit in the shops and I have a reason for growing them.
I have a delightful Summery cocktail that I have invented that I have named .....
Helsie's Downfall !
It can only be made with these lemonades.
Just lemonade juice and Malibu and shaved ice......
Delicious !!
(but not too many now ... and go easy on the Malibu !)

In the kitchen :
Corn fritters for Sunday lunch.
They tasted pretty good too.
Now I'm on a roll so Corned Beef Fritters planned for sometime this weekend.
We have a new BBQ, a Weber Q, so we had to try a pork loin roast on it.

Very successful and good crackling too.
A healthy breakfast

No, it's not that big !!
This is a tiny one-person pan !
It's made with one egg for protein, one tablespoon of oat bran for fibre and one tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese for calcium.
Add a bit of sliced tomato for vitamin C and you are not hungry till lunchtime for under150 calories.
The same breakfast in my new Firestone pan - as seen on TV !!!
It is living up to the ad so far.

Nothing beats red Paw Paw ( or Papaya )
Well mango does but it's not available yet !!
Salad, salad, salad.
Still a bit chilly for dinner but BBQs will soon be the order of the day.

Around the house:
The Positano Room had its unveiling recently.

One more cushion to go - that large cream one on the sofa.

 I have framed some postcards and placed some actual photos of the same place in Positano and hung that on the small amount of wall there is available for decoration.

Sorry for the reflections but this is the best I can do in the daytime.
Underneath the photo frame is the little table made out of an old Singer sewing machine where I always put out the coffee and tea things
 Above the door I hung some stings of plastic lemons I found.

It's coming along very nicely and can go back to normal very quickly with the removal of a couple of props.
 A bit of fun and bright and cheery too!
So that's what's happening around Helsie's Place.