Wednesday, October 31, 2012



For all the fans of the Lord of the Rings movies and the latest one "The Hobbit" .
Here's a  Flight Safety Warning unlike any other from Air New Zealand.
Click     here

Monday, October 29, 2012


It's Springtime here in Brissy.
In Spring you don't expect to be faced with this when you venture into your backyard.

Lawn all brown,
trees and shrubs dropping leaves
but we haven't had rain for about three months and everything looks awful.

Time for some serious action!!!

That bougainvillea with its rampant growth is gone!

but watch out for its vicious thorns !!!

and after a mighty struggle the passionfruit vine that has come from the neighbour's yard and covered the Leopard tree is almost eliminated.

There are still some bits high up in the tree
where even Tony still can't reach them.
The tangled mess where the vine has crossed the fence and taken prisioner a large grevillea is presenting quite a challenge.

This large "tree" is a world champion sized weed!

We call it Wild Tobacco.
Look, it's ready to flower and spread.

and here's a new one just starting out.

We thought we'd killed these other bougainvilleas

but here they come again !

Time to poison them.
In future the only bougainvillea in our place will be in pots like this one. 

We've got quite a job ahead of us to get rid of all this mess and quite a bit more to do in the cutting back department.
Let's hope we get some rain soon so it all recovers and starts to look nice again.
It's quite depressing looking at all that brown in Spring.

On a more cheerful note I've planted these pretty coleus for some colour in the garden room.

Hope all those in the path of the big storm in the USA stay safe.


PS. I may be absent for a while as Dad may have his valve replacement procedure next week so fingers crossed for a good result.
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Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Edit : Far Out!!! Don't you hate that? I've been up in Hervey Bay visiting the Oldies and tried to post from there however Hervey Bay's wireless Internet is c#*p and didn't load the photos properly.
Hope this is better. Thanks for persevering.

Every year the Queensland Quilters present a challenge to their members and the resulting entries are exhibited at the Quilt Show.
I'm always amazed at the variety of ways that these talented ladies approach the challenge and the fabulous quilts that are the result.

Here is this year's challenge:

(You can make it bigger by clicking on it if you have trouble reading it).

and this is the fabric that was chosen for them to use this year.

Now, just look at all the different ways the material has been used in these quilts.

Soooo clever !!

A change from the dominant blue.

Aren't they amazing?

And to think they all came from the same piece of material!!


Thursday, October 18, 2012


It's time for the annual Brisbane Quilt Show again so a few friends and I made our annual visit.
We enjoyed a stroll around the many stalls admiring the huge variety of hand crafts available, mouths open in wonderment at the talented women and the fantastic products of their labours.

Next it was off to lunch at a cafe down the street a little
then back to view the quilts.

At the entrance there was a collection of themed red and white quilts for one of the competitions.

There was an amazing variety of designs to be seen - all in red and white.

The next section was another competition - textile art with some brilliant entries like the ones below.


Then there were a couple involving crazy patch with embellishments that were pretty spectacular.

I particularly liked this one - large hexigons in jewel colours set in a black background

Very pretty.

Then we moved on to the bigger quilts.

There were so many I can only show you a few
 I was very taken with these ones- very modern in design - and made up of very small pieces.

Very cleverly planned and put together don't you think?

This was my absolute favourite for the whole show.
A striking quilt in red, white and black

once again made up of tiny, but not uniform sized,  pieces

There seemed to be quite a few lovely quilts made with these tiny pieces this year

I can't even imagine how you go about planning a striking design like this.

and can you believe this one below is a log cabin design? 

Look closely. The centre of the log cabin is a tiny, tiny square....

but the curves in the quilting blur the staircase effect of the log cabin.

As one lady standing near me as I marvelled at these said to me:

"Makes you proud to be a woman, doesn't it, to realise how clever women are?"

I have more to show you next time.

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